Sunday 9 September 2012

Where can I get help?

A bushfire can be dangerous and is not something that you should tackle by yourself. Then where do you get help when a bushfire is coming?
Bushfires aid is provided by many government departments and they include, the NSW Fire Brigade, SES and NSW Rural Fire Services. All of these 3 services can help you during a bush fire.


NSW Fire Brigade: this is the common fire fighting service we see in around Sydney. They are a department that only fight fires within a distant but anything beyond that distant the Rural Fire services takes charge. The fire brigade only take care of bushfires near Sydney like in the Blue Mountains or the Royal National park near Waterfall.


SES: The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is an emergency and rescue service dedicated to assisting the community. It is made up almost entirely of volunteers, with 228 units located throughout New South Wales. While our major responsibilities are for flood and storm operations, the SES also provides the majority of general rescue effort in the rural parts of the state.

NSW Rural Fire Services: On 1 September 1997, The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSWRFS) was established by an act of Parliament as the successor to the first bush fire brigade, redefining the world's largest fire service and building on a century of experience in protecting some of the most fire-prone areas on earth. Today the Service comprises over 2,100 volunteer rural fire brigades with a total membership of just over 70,000.


There are NGO that helps out when there is a bushfire and they include Red Cross and the Salvation Army. These NGO give family support, food and drinks, money and clothes after a bushfire. There a many ways how someone else can help you when a bushfire start or end. This is a website leading to how you can be safe when a bushfire is around.

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